Search Term: catholic

Number of Results: 84

Bible Principles for Single People on Marriage 

In spite of the impressions which many church environments communicate, being single past early adulthood is not necessarily losing in life nor something to mourn over Even though God has generally put desires in mankind for marriage, and even though some people are wicked for seeking to have the pleasuresRead More

John 6: Not a Reference to a Savage Practice Nor a Superstitious Ritual

Reading John 6:53: “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.” Is this a reference to a savage practice or partaking in a superstitious ritual involving aRead More

The Concept of Apostolic Succession Analyzed Biblically

A pure Christian testimony is something that false Christians will not appreciate.  It is also something which the worst hypocrites will openly scoff at or seek to counterfeit.  It is also something which will try and challenge even the righteous, forcing them into a crisis which requires a decision regardingRead More

Miscellaneous Bible Related Insights

It is good to look up any Scripture reference we hear that we are not very familiar with already.   That is a great protection and it also does much to increase one’s practical knowledge of the Bible. Jude 3-4 lesson: The common salvation=The faith once delivered to the saints.  TheyRead More

Prosperity Gospel Preachers Analyzed by Their Own Words

Here we will analyze some quotes from some well known Prosperity Gospel preachers and therein demonstrate the deceit, falsehood, and overall misleading nature of the message which they preach.   From Benny Hinn: “Where in the Bible does it say I have to drive a Honda?” The implication here is thatRead More

Does Church Membership Represent Being in Noah’s Ark?

Going back to at least Tertullian in the late second century there have been many who have taught that church membership is, as a general rule at least, necessary for salvation in the same way that being in Noah’s Ark was necessary for being saved by God’s judgment from theRead More

Reformed aka Calvinistic Theology Refuted (Compilation)

Calvinism is basically Reformation theology.  Calvinists can sound really good, and like these other theologies and concepts being rebuked, people can get genuinely converted to Christ through their preaching in spite of their error.  Yet at the core of Calvinism is something called Monergism.  Monergism is the concept that spiritualRead More

The “As Long as You Believe in the Essentials” Delusion

There is a popular quote attributed to Augustine that goes: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”  There are some who say that say this quote did not originate with Augustine (and I think it probably didn’t), but regardless of who it came from, it is aRead More

The Deceit of Infant Baptism and Child Evangelism

There is no easier way to dupe people into wrongly thinking that they are Christians than to impose rituals upon children which utterly disorient them by giving them an incorrect reference point regarding what it is to become a Christian.  The effectiveness of the common methods to do this isRead More

This People Honors Me With Their Lips But Their Heart is Far From Me (Compilation)

Since the Christian church is supposed to be the salt and light of the world (we know Jesus said that), then it is logical to conclude that the wicked and pathetic moral state of America is rooted in the corruption of Christianity (the corruption what passes as Christianity); and theRead More