Category: False Teachers


Miscellaneous Bible Related Insights

It is good to look up any Scripture reference we hear that we are not very familiar with already.   That is a great protection and it also does much to increase one’s practical knowledge of the Bible. Jude 3-4 lesson: The common salvation=The faith once delivered to the saints.  TheyRead More

Christianity is Incompatible with Islam (Part 2)

Exodus 20:1-3 (the first commandment which God gave to Israel as He gave them the 10 Commandments): “And God spoke all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have noRead More

Prosperity Gospel Preachers Analyzed by Their Own Words

Here we will analyze some quotes from some well known Prosperity Gospel preachers and therein demonstrate the deceit, falsehood, and overall misleading nature of the message which they preach.   From Benny Hinn: “Where in the Bible does it say I have to drive a Honda?” The implication here is thatRead More

Are You a TRUE Christian?

Multiple very important audio teachings below that you must listen to. Especially those who say they are “saved by Jesus”. START IMMEDIATELY BELOW – 3 FUNDAMENTAL AUDIO TEACHINGS True Salvation – Saved from Sin and this World – Part -1 True Salvation – Saved from Sin and this World –Read More

Dispensational Theology Concepts Rebuked (Compilation)

Dispensationalism: This theology is prevalent in many Baptist and non-denominational churches, though not limited to these of course.  Dispensationalism overreaches regarding the distinction between the Old Covenant which God made with Israel and the New Covenant which God made with the New Testament church.  It discounts that the earliest ChristiansRead More

A Tool of the Devil Much More Harmful than the Satanic Bible

The concept that God gives righteousness to man upon the merits of Christ, and therefore does not demand righteousness from man as a condition of exercising proper faith in Christ, permeates the realm of modern evangelical Christianity.  This concept is so prevalent that to so much as question it isRead More

This People Honors Me With Their Lips But Their Heart is Far From Me (Compilation)

Since the Christian church is supposed to be the salt and light of the world (we know Jesus said that), then it is logical to conclude that the wicked and pathetic moral state of America is rooted in the corruption of Christianity (the corruption what passes as Christianity); and theRead More

Irresponsible Evangelism Breeds False Hope in Christ and Confidence in the Path to Destruction

There is a strong correlation between the “big name” preachers in the realm of professing Christianity and the greatest culprits in soul damning, irresponsible evangelism.  These “big name” preachers care about statistics rather than turning people to righteousness.  Bringing their hearers to worship God in spirit and in truth toRead More

Why Do Those Raised in Evangelical Christianity Often Live Like Heathens_

Why Do Those Raised in Evangelical Christianity Often Live Like Heathens? 

If someone is told before a test that they will be given a passing grade even if they fail, then why would it be a surprise if they don’t really study and end up failing the test?   If someone is told that they will be paid for work if theyRead More

Twisting Paul_ Key Strategy of the False Grace Preachers

Twisting Paul: Key Strategy of the False Grace Preachers

Some try to say that the Apostle Paul was out of line with the other Apostles.  Some even try to say that he preached a different gospel than they did.  Some who make such a claim do so in an attempt to attack the validity of the Bible and BiblicalRead More