Month: December 2016

zionism banner israel war crimes

The Truth about Zionism and Israilies

THE VIDEOS BELOW ARE FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY. WE DO NOT CONDONE THE THEOLOGY OF FAKE JEWS. THEY ARE GOD HATERS. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to former IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) soldiers explain, in their own words, the wicked atrocities secular Israel commits. An abomination to JESUS. CLICK HERE TORead More

What is Biblical Perfection?

 First, let’s define “perfection” according to the bible: TELEIOS is used in Rom. 12:2, 1 Cor. 13:10, James 1:17, Matt. 5:48. 1 John 4:18, Col. 4:12 EPITELO is used in Romans 15:28, 2 Cor. 7:1, 2 Cor. 8:6 11, Gal. 3:3, Phil, 1:6…. TELEIOTES is used in Col. 3:14…. HAPAS isRead More

Are we Born Sinners? Do We “Inherit” Adam’s Sin? Psalm 51:5 Rightly Divided!

Psalm 51:5- “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” KJV This is a Hebrew poetic parallelism, with the second line of the verse saying the same thing as the first line in a slightly different way. The subject of this verse is NOTRead More


I got physically sick researching these Kenyan ministers of Satan! Living in million $ homes while the rest of the country is in DIRE POVERTY!!! Imaging how godlless and heartless one has to be to lie to people,”in Jesus name”, to take their money when they have NONE to beginRead More