Month: October 2022

True Christianity: Demanding Yet Valuable
There are quotes going around, attributed to various people, related to never settling for less than you deserve, never settling for less than what you want, and other similar statements. These are very general statements which are impossible to evaluate right apart from the context in which they are said.Read More

Don’t Regret Doing Right
Those who set their hearts on things like wealth, health, and earthly success, happiness, security, etc cannot live by faith and walk righteously before God. The following things which are said about the faithful in the Old Testament in Hebrews chapter 11 apply to everyone who ever has, and everRead More

Bearing the Yoke in Youth
The Scripture says in Lamentations 3:27: “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.” This verse is often applied to emphasize the importance of youth learning to bear responsibility related to work and learning to endure the hardship of physical labor. Though that isRead More

Your Ultimate Waterloo: To Life or to Death?
Those who know a fair amount of history likely know about the Battle of Waterloo. Waterloo is a town in Belgium where the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s Army suffered defeat at the hands of the British and the Prussians in 1815. Napoleon actually escaped after the battle, and it wouldRead More