Category: Refuting Calvinism

Misc. Points Demonstrating the Wicked Lunacy of Calvinism Pt.1
I’ve done other studies to thoroughly refute Calvinism from different angles. I especially refer to “The 5 Points of Calvinism Refuted in 7 Minutes”, “Calvinist Strongholds Are Built on Sinking Sand (Romans 9 Study)”, and the “Reformed/Calvinistic Theology Refuted Compilation.” Here we will look at miscellaneous points intended to complementRead More

The Probationary State of Man on Earth
We read the obvious concerning every individual in James 4:14: “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” The false gospels which abound in the realm ofRead More

Reformed aka Calvinistic Theology Refuted (Compilation)
Calvinism is basically Reformation theology. Calvinists can sound really good, and like these other theologies and concepts being rebuked, people can get genuinely converted to Christ through their preaching in spite of their error. Yet at the core of Calvinism is something called Monergism. Monergism is the concept that spiritualRead More

The 5 Points of Calvinism Crushed in 7 Minutes
The first point of Calvinism is the concept of Total Depravity. This basically claims that man cannot repent towards God unless God regenerates him to new life- which in turn causes him to repent towards God. This concept is refuted simply by how the Bible teaches that repentance precedes newRead More

What Characterized Abraham’s Faith
Multitudes believe that saving faith in Jesus Christ can be separated from obedience to God. However, Abraham is the man in the Bible who is given to us as a model of real (living) faith in both the Old and the New Testaments. In Jesus Christ there is a betterRead More

A Quick Lesson on Biblical Predestination (It’s Not What Calvinism Says)
Biblical Predestination is not God unconditionally, unavoidably saving some while unavoidably damning others to hell eternally. Those ideas come from the doctrine of unconditional election, which is a false teaching that is a key tenet of the heretical theology of Calvinism. Biblical predestination is the Lord’s goal that all whoRead More

Being God’s Chosen Depends on Our Choice (in Relation to His Chosen Way of Salvation)
God has made a way for mankind of being delivered out of sin’s dominion and into the realm of His righteous dominion through Jesus Christ. When the Bible speaks of people being chosen by God, it is not a reference to an unconditional or statically fixed thing which cannot beRead More

No One is Unconditionally Elected by God nor Unconditionally Secure from His Wrath
Exodus 19:1-9: “In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness;Read More

One Deceitful Word Commonly Added to Scripture Exposed (Faith Alone Rebuke)
In this message we are analyzing the vast difference between Biblical justification by faith versus the demonic doctrine of justification by faith alone. The Apostles preached baptism in preaching the Gospel of Christ. Neither the act of baptism itself nor the waters of baptism save. Yet if our heart isRead More

Calvinist Strongholds Are Built on Sinking Sand (Romans 9 Study)
Romans chapter nine is a Biblical text which believers in Calvinism/Reformed theology utterly need to depend upon in order to attempt to validate their doctrine and theology. Yet when examined in the context of the book it is written in, and analyzed in line with the rest of the Bible,Read More
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