Search Term: catholic

Number of Results: 84

Isms Which Corrupt the Realm of Evangelical Christianity

Isms Which Corrupt the Realm of Evangelical Christianity

Jeremiah 2:12-13 says: “Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord.  For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” WhatRead More

Book of Enoch Rebuke

Book of Enoch Rebuke

A fable that has become rather popular in modern times is the (so called) Book of Enoch.  This book is written in the name of the Genesis character who is in the direct lineage between Adam and Noah (not the other Genesis character named Enoch who was Cain’s son).  TheRead More

But They Were Never Exposed to Jesus

No matter how deeply one’s roots are in a religion, and no matter how little exposure they’ve had to Biblical Christianity, everyone yet has roadblocks to hell which show them they are going down the wrong road; and everyone sees road signs pointing them to the real Jesus and HisRead More

Rebuke to Calvinism, False Grace, and Once Saved Always Saved Compilation

The cheap grace deceivers overlook that something being freely offered does not mean that it is offered unconditionally.  There are terms and conditions and labor involved in believing Christ’s Gospel unto salvation (obviously faith must work according to God’s commandments and ways- see James chapter 2, etc).   We see inRead More

Thoughts on the Asbury Meetings and Revival in General

The recent meetings at Asbury University in Kentucky have gotten a lot of attention.  This video is dealing with Biblical principles for discernment regarding anything that might be called a revival, an awakening, or a move of God.  I will focus mainly on general principles related to these things thatRead More

Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Rebuke

The commonly regarded father of the IFB (i.e. Independent Fundamental Baptist) churches is Jack Hyles who was the leader of Hammond Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana from 1959 until his death in 2001.  There is also a movement that is commonly called the New IFB, which I will comment aboutRead More

Biblical Context is Critical (here’s a key example why)

Many people who quote the Bible often, even many people who seem to have a very good knowledge of the Bible, sometimes with a PHD next to their name, can be in the most serious error which even some Biblically illiterate people can accurately see the folly in.  How isRead More

Eastern Orthodox Church Rebuke

The Eastern Orthodox Church, though separated from the Roman Catholic Church since the mid-11th century, nevertheless retains the same fundamental problem of the Roman Catholic Church (referred to going forward as the RCC): Both are alternatives authorities to Christ which offer an alternate pattern of justification before God in contrastRead More

The Deception Involved in Christmas

The Deception Involved in Christmas

It is a revealing thing that many exceedingly love Christmas who, by their own admission, are not faithful Christians.  They put up Christmas trees, Christmas ornaments, they hang wreaths, hang mistletoe, etc.  You sure do not need a significant amount of spiritual discernment to see that someone who goes allRead More

The True Israel

Matthew 3:7-10: “But when he (John the Baptist) saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?  Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: And think not to sayRead More