Category: Governments – Leaders


Corrupt Leaders : One Thing the Church and State Have in Common

Luke 22:24-27: “And there was also a strife among them (Jesus’ disciples), which of them should be accounted the greatest.  And he (Jesus) said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.  But ye shall not beRead More

Christians Obeying Government World Jesus Cesar Banner

The Christian’s Commandment to Earthly Government

I was personally in each ditch of this issue in times past. I thank God for brethren that are not sin appeasers and who reprove when needed. I also thank God for his wisdom and longsuffering. I pray those who need to hear this message will listen all the wayRead More

zionism banner israel war crimes

The Truth about Zionism and Israilies

THE VIDEOS BELOW ARE FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY. WE DO NOT CONDONE THE THEOLOGY OF FAKE JEWS. THEY ARE GOD HATERS. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to former IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) soldiers explain, in their own words, the wicked atrocities secular Israel commits. An abomination to JESUS. CLICK HERE TORead More

Does God Ordain Leaders?

God has ordained worldly leaders, but not every leader is ordained of God! Is God Raising up a Cyrus–or a Nebuchadnezzar? Before we embrace the fanciful idea that Donald Trump is the new Cyrus, chosen of the Lord to lead His people in America to victory and security, there areRead More