Category: Charity / Love

The Law of God Abiding Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37 Meaning)
Before we get into the story of the Good Samaritan, whom it is just as much or more fitting to call the Law of God abiding Samaritan, we’ll go back before it starts a couple of verses. Luke 10:23-24: “And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, BlessedRead More

Practical Reasons Africans and Others in the 3rd World are Stuck in Poverty
Ignorant people say to us “why do you send all your money to ‘them over there’ when we have poor in this country”? “Why don’t these people work hard to take care of themselves”? Answer below: CLICK LINKS BELOW Find all our mission fields here Bible commands on serving theRead More

A Right View of Man on Earth
This study is going to be about Christian humility. We could also say that it’s related to the limits of honor and exaltation that might ever be proper for a Christian in this life. There is a place for making rules about specifics when it comes to expressions of luxury,Read More

The Limitations of Money
The topic of this study is “The Limitations of Money.” I want to make clear at the beginning that this study is not particularly directed at any individual; yet in another way it is directed at every individual. There is a tendency in man’s heart to think that the resources,Read More

God’s Love is CONDITIONAL!
GOD’S LOVE IS NOT “UNCONDITIONAL” “God loves you unconditionally!” I challenge anybody to prove that from the Bible. There is not one verse in the bible which unconditionally states that God loves mankind (including “professing Christians”) without conditions, His righteous conditions. Some would point to Romans 5:8“…while we were yetRead More

If You Are Not “Hated by All” for HIS Namesake, You Are Not Saved!
If you are not hated by “the WORLD”, you are an enemy of GOD. WHY? It’s PROMISED! Jesus Did Not Come to Bring Peace, but a Sword Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. MatRead More

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Will YOU Be There?
Rev 19:7-8 “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. 8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen isRead More

What is Biblical Love?
An incredible 3 part study on Biblical Love. It’s not the fluffy, non-convicting false “love” the world has. It’s true godly love that convicts and chastened. It’s true charity… Click here for part 1 audio teaching GMFC Bible Study – Biblical Love – Part 1 – 11-04-2017.mp3 STUDY NOTES PART 1Read More