Search Term: catholic

Number of Results: 84

The God of Judgment

Malachi 2:17 says: “Ye have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him?  When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?” The great, ultimateRead More

Christ in the Old Testament two

Christ in the Old Testament Part 2 With a Twist

I had two topics in mind for this week.  I thought it was good to do a 2nd part to the Christ in the Old Testament study.  Yet I also thought it would be good to have some fun and analyze one Bible related word, or a few Bible relatedRead More

Divine Killing in the Bible Banner

Divine Killing in the Bible

***2 small speaking errors in the above audio: – Acts 26:19-21 is quoted; not Exodus 26:19-21– The judgment related in the book of Numbers is in Numbers chapter 25, not chapter 24. The Bible says in Psalm 34:15-16: “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his earsRead More

The Error of Judaizing Exposed Part 2

The Error of Judaizing Part 2

We have a lot to cover here and it will be longer than the recent studies have been, but we should also be able to move fast and cover a lot for the time this takes. Click here for part 1 and listen 1st then come back here. In partRead More


Jesus Did NOT Have Long Hair

Jesus did not have long hair. That is made up by the abominable catholics and others. Stick to the 66 books of the Bible, all the answers are there. Again, Jesus did not have long hair. It’s generally believed that a Nazarite has to let his hair grow long, andRead More

Matthew 7-6 give not that which is holy unto dogs swine

Matthew 7:6 Explained

QUESTION: How should Matthew 7:6 be properly understood? Judging OthersMat 7:1 “Judge not, that ye be not judged.Mat 7:2  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.Mat 7:3  And why beholdest thou the mote thatRead More

episcopal church hellbound false teacher anglican catholic christian

Exposing the Satanic Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church founding has it’s roots in The Anglican Church which originated in 1534. King Henry VIII split from the Roman Catholic Church when the pope refused to grant the king an annulment. The Episcopal Church was has been a self-governing autonomous body since 1785. The Episcopal Church in theRead More



God is a jealous God and he will NOT share His glory with anyone. Further, he does not tolerate ecumenicism and will condemn all those who yoke with hereticks and heretical organizations to the eternal Lake of Fire. YWAM (Youth With a Mission) is a DEMONIC ABOMINATION TO GOD! REPENTRead More

Lutheran Church heresies False Heresy

The Damnable Lutheran Cult

A LIST OF HERESIES THAT MARTIN LUTHER SPEWED AND HIS FOLLOWERS FOLLOW TO THEIR ETERNAL DAMNATION Stats – 8 million USA   60 million Worldwide Background and Formation In 1517 on October 31, the accursed heretick Martin Luther nailed a thesis of 95 reasons he believed the Roman Catholic Church wasRead More


Romans Bible Study

Scripture & Commentary Below the Videos Romans Chapter 1 Author: Romans 1:1 identifies the author of the Book of Romans as the apostle Paul. Romans 16:22 indicates that Paul used a man named Tertius to transcribe his words. Date of Writing: The Book of Romans was likely written A.D. 56-58.Read More