Category: New Age Healing Exposed

The Curse of Mass Evangelistic Crusades
What is directly being attacked here is the concept that Christians can be mass produced through a series of meetings or perhaps even through a single meeting. This concept is the general rule of mass evangelistic crusades, if it is not the rule with no exceptions altogether. Such crusades areRead More

The False Doctrine of Healing in the Atonement
There are multitudes of so-called faith healers and others who teach that Christians are promised bodily healing in this life through Christ’s atonement. This may seem to exalt the power of the Gospel, yet in reality it subverts those influenced by this concept from the actual goals and promises ofRead More

CULTure & Jesus do NOT Agree in the Spirit of GOD
Just like Yoga, Reiki, practicing Martial Arts, Craniosacral Therapy (CST), Hypnotism or any other “energy work”, Acupuncture is of the devil. All these practices are to manipulate (awaken) the “spirit” and it’s NOT the HOLY SPIRIT as HE can’t be manipulated! There is absolutely no need to get into aRead More