120 Biblical Reasons Against Christmas
A true Christian does not celebrate x-mass because the Bible says it’s sin . . .
Also, see these studies “Christmas is Spiritual Adultery” & “Santa – The False god Of Christmas“.
. . . | the LORD condemns using pagan religious practices in His worship (Deut 12:29-31). |
. . . | the LORD condemns adding to or taking away from His commandments (Deut 12:32 Rev 22:18-19). |
. . . | the LORD condemns doing anything under green trees in His worship (Deut 12:1-4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns the heathen use of decorated trees at a solstice (Jeremiah 10:1-4). |
. . . | the LORD commands us to separate from and not touch pagan religion (II Cor 6:14-18). |
. . . | the LORD commands us to come out of Roman Catholicism and her sins (Rev 18:4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns turning to the left or right from His commandments (Deut 5:32-33). |
. . . | the LORD told the apostles to teach us to observe only His commandments (Matt 28:20). |
. . . | the LORD rejected David’s worship for a small detail and killed Uzzah (II Sam 6:1-10). |
. . . | the LORD rejected and killed Nadab and Abihu for offering different fire (Lev 10:1-7). |
. . . | the LORD rejected Moses from seeing Canaan for a slight modification (Num 20:12). |
. . . | the LORD rejected Cain’s worship simply for bringing an alternative sacrifice (Gen 4:7). |
. . . | the LORD rejected Saul forever for noble intentions in a modification (I Sam 15:22-23). |
. . . | the LORD rejected Uzziah and gave him facial leprosy for a new idea (II Chr 26:16-21). |
. . . | the LORD rejected and killed Ananias and his wife for fudging a large gift (Acts 5:1-11). |
. . . | the LORD requires reverence and godly fear in worship to avoid His fire (Heb 12:28-29). |
. . . | the LORD seeks true worshippers to worship Him in truth, not superstition (John 4:23-24). |
. . . | the LORD commands us to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered (Jude 1:3). |
. . . | the LORD requires us to esteem all His precepts but to hate all other ideas (Ps 119:128). |
. . . | the LORD commands us to prove all things by Scripture and reject the bad (I Thes 5:21). |
. . . | the LORD expects us to be noble and search Scripture to know true worship (Acts 17:11). |
. . . | the LORD gave Scripture to perfect us, which does not mention Xmas (II Tim 3:16-17). |
. . . | the LORD curses any gospel different than Paul’s, and he didn’t preach xmas (Gal 1:8-9). |
. . . | the LORD condemns fellowship with men having only a form of godliness (II Tim 3:5). |
. . . | the LORD condemns loving pleasure more than God as perilous times (II Timothy 3:4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns anything different from His Word as dark ignorance (Isaiah 8:20). |
. . . | the LORD abominates anything popular with the world and esteemed by it (Luke 16:15). |
. . . | the LORD condemns friendship with the world as becoming His enemy (James 4:4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns traditions in His worship as evil and vain hypocrisy (Mark 7:5-13). |
. . . | the LORD hates the polluting of His glorious name with pagan idolatry (Ezekiel 20:39). |
. . . | the LORD condemns the superstitious idolatry and blasphemy of the Mass (I Cor 11:26). |
. . . | the LORD condemns bringing any item of false religion into our houses (Deut 7:25-26). |
. . . | the LORD commands us not to set up any image, which He hates (Deut 16:22; Ex 20:4-6). |
. . . | the LORD hates religion that goes under green trees (I Kings 14:23; Isaiah 57:5; Jer 3:6). |
. . . | the LORD condemns adopting any practices of the pagans around us (Leviticus 18:1-4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns sun worship (Deut 4:19; 17:3; II Kgs 23:5; Job 31:26-28; Eze 8:16). |
. . . | the LORD endorses only apostolic traditions, and they never celebrated it (II Thes 2:15). |
. . . | the LORD is honored by gifts to Him rather than a selfish exchange of gifts (Matt 2:11). |
. . . | the LORD teaches us to remember His death rather than His birth (Phil 3:10; I Cor 15:3). |
. . . | the LORD gave baptism and His supper to remember His death (Rom 6:3-5; I Co 11:26). |
. . . | the LORD resents the hatred of pagans who exchange gifts against His men (Rev 11:10). |
. . . | the LORD condemns “the spirit of Christmas” as another spirit He hates (II Cor 11:1-4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns a mother and child wearing halos as another jesus (II Cor 11:1-4). |
. . . | the LORD condemns a tradition glorifying sun worship as another gospel (II Co 11:1-4). |
. . . | the LORD loves us to give up dear things as proof of our love to Him (Matt 10:37-39). |
. . . | the LORD did not come to bring peace on earth but rather a dividing sword (Mat 10:34). |
. . . | the LORD blessed giving over receiving, but Xmas is selfish exchanging (Acts 20:35). |
. . . | the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Col 2:16). |
. . . | the LORD calls Jewish holy days matters of liberty, but not pagan holidays (Rom 14:6). |
. . . | the LORD considers the birth of His Son worthy of honor rather than folly (Heb 1:6). |
. . . | the two chief New Testament ordinances – baptism and the Lord’s supper – pertain to His death, not His birth. |
. . . | celebrating Christmas sincerely is identical to Jeroboam’s two calves (I Kings 12:26-33). |
. . . | Aaron led Israel to worship the LORD with a golden calf to their judgment (Ex 32:1-5). |
. . . | it breaks the first commandment by having other gods – the sun god Mithra (Ex 20:3). |
. . . | it breaks the second commandment by having images – a Christmas tree (Ex 20:4-6). |
. . . | it breaks the third commandment by taking His name in vain – “Christmas” (Ex 20:7). |
. . . | it breaks the fifth commandment by promoting children’s greed over parents (Ex 20:12). |
. . . | it breaks the tenth commandment by promoting covetousness to children (Ex 20:17). |
. . . | many Baptist martyrs gave their lives to oppose Catholic superstitions and traditions. |
. . . | it was a crime to observe Christmas in America, when our country truly feared God. |
. . . | it was a crime to observe Christmas in England, when that country truly feared God. |
. . . | all the God-hating, Christ-denying, and sin-loving pagans get excited about this day. |
. . . | Santa Claus is a pagan mockery of God the Father with white hair, grandfatherly image, eternal, lives in the North, unlimited resources, omniscient of children’s behavior, omnipresent for a night, hears confessions, comes as a thief, blesses children, and distributes judgment for works. |
. . . | the name Christmas came from “Mass of Christ,” and Christians hate the Catholic mass. |
. . . | every sincere birthday party honors the one born that day rather than all the mere guests. |
. . . | a gift exchange dictated by a calendar is not a message of love but a ritual of obligation. |
. . . | a gift exchange at the winter solstice was invented by pagans to celebrate the sun god. |
. . . | Christianity is giving gifts unexpected without obligation to reciprocate (Luke 14:12-14). |
. . . | secular encyclopedias will gladly tell you that Christmas came from pagan sun worship. |
. . . | the first state in our Bible-oriented country to make it a holiday was Alabama in 1836. |
. . . | a little drummer boy did not travel to the manger to play his drum for the infant Jesus. |
. . . | for the two centuries following the Pilgrims, Christians in America called it “popish.” |
. . . | English parliament under Oliver Cromwell outlawed it in 1644 and punished violaters. |
. . . | loving Jesus Christ is keeping His commandments, not decorating a tree (John 14:15). |
. . . | you cannot do unto the LORD what the LORD has condemned (Deut 12:1-4; 12:29-32). |
. . . | Christmas is not a matter of liberty left up to our consciences and/or heart preferences. |
. . . | true followers of God will not follow a multitude or majority to false worship (Ex 23:2). |
. . . | Xmas is most adored by women, whom God calls silly and weak (II Tim 3:6; I Pet 3:7). |
. . . | a time of unbridled greed, covetousness, and materialism cannot honor Jesus Christ. |
. . . | this unique holy day in the Roman Catholic calendar is exalted by three profane masses. |
. . . | the world loves a jesus helpless in a manger, but God’s Christ is the LORD and Judge. |
. . . | on Christmas Eve the Pope of Rome conducts a special mass seen by much of the earth. |
. . . | godly parents don’t lie to their children about a Roman Catholic myth named Nicholas. |
. . . | the Bible is totally silent about using this day or any such celebration to honor Christ. |
. . . | the gospel according to Christmas tradition, cards, and plays corrupts the Bible facts. |
. . . | the Pilgrims in 1620, seeking to worship God in truth, formally banned the holiday. |
. . . | the Puritans in 1659, seeking to worship God in truth, set a 5 shillings fine for keeping it. |
. . . | the modern Christmas tree was not introduced to this country by Germans until 1821. |
. . . | Jesus was not born in December, for one-half year back from Passover is rather October. |
. . . | Jesus was not born in December, for shepherds did not stay in the fields during winter. |
. . . | Jesus was not born in December, for taxation would not have been in the dead of winter. |
. . . | Jesus was not born in December, for wise taxation would have been shortly after harvest. |
. . . | Jesus was not born in December, for careful calculation of the priest’s courses exclude it. |
. . . | the Roman feast at the winter solstice was to the sun god Mithras from the Persians. |
. . . | the Roman, extended feast prior to the winter solstice was to Saturn, god of agriculture. |
. . . | so many consider Christmas a “sacred cow” and beyond questioning or condemning. |
. . . | our past lives suffice us for lusts, excess of wine, revellings, and banquetings (I Pet 4:3). |
. . . | Emperor Aurelian picked December 25 for this holiday in 274 to worship the sun god. |
. . . | pagan sun worshippers had a great festival to the sun at the winter solstice before Jesus. |
. . . | it would be wrong to have a golden calf with candles to worship the Lord our Strength. |
. . . | the public schools in Boston were still open for classes on December 25 as late as 1870. |
. . . | the “birthday of the invincible sun” (dies natalis Solis invicti) was this date in Rome. |
. . . | December 25 was chosen by being the date of the winter solstice in the Julian calendar. |
. . . | Satan uses this pagan feast to steal glory from the Son of God for ignorant sun worship. |
. . . | Christmas American-style is oppression of parents by greedy children (Isaiah 3:1-5, 12). |
. . . | Jesus promised that the majority are on the wrong road leading to death (Matt 7:13-14). |
. . . | Americans alone will spend almost ONE TRILLION on this abomination in 2017! |
. . . | all the unique customs of Christmas may be traced individually to pagan religious rites. |
. . . | Hindus, Jews, Mormons, Pagans, and other cults celebrate it while despising Jesus. |
. . . | using Scripture’s silence to justify anything not expressly forbidden will lead to Coke and chips for the Lord’s supper and ouija boards for difficult decisions. |
. . . | it creates the most foolish, hectic, stressful, guilt-ridden, and unproductive time of year. |
. . . | the LORD is a jealous God and will judge any playing with other gods (Ex 34:12-16). |
. . . | New Testament charity may accommodate weakness, but it cannot error (Romans 14:1). |
. . . | the moderation taught in the New Testament is temperance or self-discipline (Phil 4:5). |
. . . | it would be identical to offering incense to the brasen serpent of Moses (II Kings 18:4). |
. . . | the only day observed by the apostles was the Lord’s day (Rev 1:10; Acts 20:7; I Cor 16:2). |
. . . | we choose to emulate Jacob, who put away family idols to worship God (Gen 35:1-5). |
. . . | we choose to emulate Jehu, who defiled Baal worship to please God (II Kings 10:26-28). |
. . . | we choose to emulate Josiah, who defiled all pagan worship to please God (II Kings 23:1-37). |
. . . | we choose to emulate Asa, who defiled his mother’s favorite idol (II Chron 15:12-16). |
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