Search Term: catholic

Number of Results: 84

Book of Titus Study

Titus 1:1 The faith of God’s elect= The faith of Jesus Christ as it is revealed in Scripture.  God’s elect are those who believe in Jesus Christ by obediently walking in the light of His Word which testifies of that faith. “Acknowledging” here= epignosis in the Greek text; experiential knowledge. Read More

The Godless Bangladesh Baptist Church Shangha (BBCS)

The Bangladesh Baptist Church Shangha is simply another eucumenical denomination that has nothing to do with the One True God. Jesus is not at all in this cult and never has been. It’s founded on William Carey, a wicked 5 point Calvinist that preached a false gospel that does notRead More

1st Timothy Study 

1 Timothy 1:1-3: Paul had rather recently left Timothy to oversee the Christian fellowship which he had planted at Ephesus.  1:4: This would include what is known as the Apocryphal Books.  Paul may have especially had these in mind here.  They were rejected by the Jewish nation as inspired Scripture. Read More

1 Peter Chapters 4 and 5 Study

4:1: This verse is a reference to (1 Peter) chapter 3:17-18 “For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.  For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring usRead More

James Concise Study

James 1:1: James undoubtedly wrote this book to Christians.  He may be referring to the spiritual Israel here, but perhaps he is writing to an audience of churches composed of Jewish Christians outside of Judea.  Regardless, the principles here are intended for all Christians since the same Gospel is sentRead More

Your Subpoena from Heaven

A subpoena is basically a summons from a governmental agency to compel testimony by a witness alongside the threat of penalty for failure to do so. Those who witness something monumental are thrust into a monumental role themselves due to what they have witnessed.  We are all in this categoryRead More

I Don’t Know of a Faithful Church in my Area. What Should I Do?

Ephesians 3:8-11: “Unto me (the Apostle Paul is speaking), who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from theRead More

The Jewish Talmud

The Jewish Talmud

1st, I love the Jewish people just as I love all people.  As a born again Christian, it is my Biblical duty to contend for the faith and Judaism clearly denies Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Talmud openly desecrates His holy name. The Jews hate Jesus (GOD). TheRead More

The Christian’s Relation to the Jewish Feasts

Does faithful Christianity involve the keeping of the Jewish feasts?  Are they mandatory for the Christian?  Are they optional for the Christian?  Or is keeping the Jewish feasts now rather disobedience to God which is actually a strange fire before Him? God summed up the feasts which He mandated forRead More

Lessons from the Destruction of Israel’s Temples.

Since today is July 26, 2023, that means that tonight and during the day tomorrow is the ninth of Av on the Hebrew calendar (the dates on the Hebrew calendar begin in the evening, at sundown, and continue through the next day).   The ninth of Av is commonly recognized by religiousRead More