Month: June 2021

King Solomon Once Saved Not Always Saved
King Solomon was a man who was once saved and initially loved the Lord and prayed for wisdom to govern the nation of Israel. As a result, the Lord mightily blessed Solomon not only with wisdom & understanding, but also with great earthly riches. God used Solomon to build theRead More

The Humanity & Deity of Jesus Christ
Anyone who Denies either the Humanity of Jesus the Christ or the Deity of Jesus Christ is an Antichrist! Let’s review a few Scriptures that Biblically prove both the Deity & Humanity of Jesus: Humanity of Jesus Christ Christ born of a Woman (Galatians 4:2)Christ had flesh and blood (HebrewsRead More

Proper Pronouns
It’s quite simple… G444ἄνθρωποςanthrōposanth’-ro-posFrom G435 and ὤψ ōps (the countenance; from G3700); manfaced, that is, A HUMAN BEING: – certain, man.Total KJV occurrences: 560