This is truly elementary. If you deny the 3 persons of the Godhead, you are a hellbound heretic. You deny the SON you deny theRead More
God Does NOT Hear Sinners!
Another study on this subject here. Joh 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God,Read More
Holiness Isn’t Optional – Live Holy or Hell
1. Holiness is displaying God’s character. 2. Holiness flows from our identity. 3. Holiness is radical and all-encompassing. 4. Holiness is a sign that weRead More
Professional & College Sports – An Abomination to God!
Many of you are familiar with an American Footballer kneeling in the stadium praying. He was seen many times kneeling and praying which was calledRead More
Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS)? Eternal Security? Perseverance of the Saints?
It is abundantly clear that one can lose salvation by the above bible truth! Revelation 22:19 “And if any man shall take away from theRead More
Jesus is Absolutely Not a Friend of Sinners
Jesus is NOT a Friend to Sinners He is a Savior for them and must be your Lord! “Ye are my friends, IF ye doRead More
Hebrew Israelites are Hellbound Devils!
Simply put, “hebrew israelites” are filthy racists (respecter of persons) and go directly to hellfire, repent! Your god is the devil. Now on to theRead More
Pulpit Pimps Are Hirelings
THE “THIEF” IN THE VERSE BELOW IS THE GREEDY PULPIT PIMP! Many think this is talking about the devil himself, nope, just his accursed ministers.Read More
Question on Temptation & Miscellaneous Points
Click to play GMFC AUDIO Bible Study – Question on Temptation & Miscellaneous Points Reconciling James 1:13 & Matthew 4:1 Matthew 4:1 “Then was Jesus led up of the SpiritRead More
Become as Little Children!
You need to be a child of King Jesus, not a false denomination. Let’s see the love Jesus has for children and why He uses theirRead More