The Deception Involved in Christmas (Concise and Revised 2024 Version)
It is a revealing thing that many exceedingly love Christmas who, by their own admission, are not faithful Christians. You do not need a significant amount of spiritual discernment to see that a hyped-up, ardent Christmas supporter who puts up a Christmas tree, Christmas ornaments, hangs wreaths, hangs mistletoe, wears a Santa hat, wears elf clothes, puts up a giant light display, etc. is not behaving like an authentic, consistent Christian.
The very involvement of Santa, elf clothes, reindeer, expensive and glittery light displays, decorated trees, and a multitude of other things which really don’t have anything to do with Jesus Christ, and have no foundation in the Bible at all, should make any thinking and honest person consider that perhaps there is something seriously sinister and harmful going on with Christmas.
I assert that Christmas in and of itself greatly misrepresents Christ’s Gospel and greatly deceives people about the true state of their souls.
It is no mystery that, in the opinion of many, what is called Christmas is an adaptation of the Roman Pagan holiday Saturnalia. Saturnalia was a time of debauchery, gluttony, exchanging gifts, and overall seeking to alleviate the sense of gloominess that many people feel around the time of the Winter Solstice when the days are the shortest.
Considering how the Roman Catholic Church has adopted many elements of Paganism into its worship, it makes a lot of sense that Saturnalia was modified and adapted to be a celebration of Christ’s birth by the Roman Catholic Church in order to transition Pagans into professing Christians while accommodating their Pagan ways.
Christmas surely isn’t derived from any command in the Bible to make a holiday out of Christ’s birth nor is there any good reason to believe that Jesus was born on December 25th.
The speculation in early Christian writings about Jesus being born on December 25th seems to stem from the strange belief that a holy person dies on the day of the year in which they were conceived. Using that strange logic, they claim to calculate Jesus to have been born on December 25th. That logic in itself is superstitious, unwarranted, and not based upon anything in the Bible.
It also is silly to think that Christmas couldn’t be an adaptation of the Pagan holiday Saturnalia because it falls two days beyond the period in which the Romans celebrated Saturnalia.
Even if we were to put aside the Pagan origins of several of the various aspects of Christmas (which in themselves are a big deal), there is something of yet even greater and darker significance behind Christmas.
The whole concept of society in general celebrating a supposedly Christian holiday (whether derived from a Pagan holiday or not) fits well with the Roman Catholic infant baptism mentality. The error of infant baptism in combination with the errant belief that the church ought to have secular power over a nation (where all born there automatically become members of that church through their infant baptism- and this carried over into Protestantism by the way) is a recipe for causing the masses to think they are Christians in God’s favor when that is simply not so.
To imply that a general group of people in society are in truth Christians with an interest in His covenant of grace is theft and deception on a literal mass scale.
And what better way to do this than by baptizing people as infants and giving them a set of precepts and traditions to follow which don’t actually represent authentic Christianity? The holidays of Christmas and Easter especially accomplish this shockingly successfully.
What Christmas practically accomplishes in a disturbingly effective way then is the confounding of darkness and light. The Bible states in 1 John chapter 1 (and this eternal principle was laid down in Genesis chapter one) that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. Man is in darkness. All humans inevitably choose to sin and stray from God. We must forsake utterly forsake the darkness to have an inheritance in the light with Christ. To have a celebration of Christ’s coming, involving the mass of society where darkness reigns, is essentially a palliative to man’s critical spiritual condition which numbs his impetus (or driving force) to genuinely repent and flee to Christ in order to actually obtain a new birth and mercy from God in Him.
Christ’s true joy is only on the other side of the cross.
Acts 5:31-32: “Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.”
Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (and we just saw from Acts chapter 5 how the Holy Spirit is given to those that obey Him).”
There is also much counterfeit activity which is attributed to Christ’s Holy Spirit- especially in the Pentecostal/Azusa Street, Charismatic, Word of Faith, and the New Apostolic Reformation movements. This counterfeit activity accomplishes similar harm as the deception related to Christmas. The Bible does indeed warn about spirits which are counterfeits of God’s Spirit (see 2 Corinthians 11:4 here).
In truth, Christ’s joy is offered to the natural man- but it is not for the natural man until he actually turns to God through Jesus Christ while forsaking his attachment to sin and self (thus ceasing to be a natural man and rather becoming a new creature in Christ).
It is not appropriate to bring the natural man into celebration involving Christianity.
Consider if Philip had wished the eunuch from Ethiopia in Acts chapter 8 “Merry Christmas” before preaching Christ to him.
Imagine the Prodigal Son being told “Merry Christmas” while in the barn with the pigs in the far country, alienated from his godly father’s home.
Imagine Peter telling the crowd at Jerusalem “Merry Christmas” before telling them what he told them in Acts 2:38-40: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.”
Saying “Merry Christmas” in these situations would have killed the power of the Gospel message and practically told the people that they were okay simply because Christ has come. It would be telling them that they did not really need to flee from the wrath to come and find a true refuge for their soul in Jesus Christ.
That is all obviously just as true today.
Why be so hard on Christmas? It practically offers God’s grace to men without wholehearted repentance and turning to Christ in utter death to sin and self.
That is surely as severe a lie as can be told.
Humanism surely permeates all Paganism. We may not be able to go back in history and point out the very moment when it was decided to modify Saturnalia to a celebration of Christ’s birth, but we know that Christmas is a humanistic holiday now. You just have to open your eyes and your ears to know that much. That is proof enough that Christmas is steeped in Pagan influence. It is so obvious. To believe otherwise is like agreeing with the men who say that they’re women or the women who say that they’re men.
Some people marvel for some reason at how Christmas has become so materialistic and commercialized. Yet Christmas was always materialistic. It was always very susceptible to being highly materialistic and commercialized- because there is no good reason to believe that there weren’t Pagan seeds in it from the beginning.
Many in early America recognized or suspected Christmas’ Pagan origins and did not see it as a proper celebration of Christ’s birth. Christmas was not even made an official holiday in any state until Alabama made it one in 1836. Christmas never even became a federal holiday in the USA until 1870.
The Bible has much to say about making sure to keep Paganism and all covetousness out of God’s worship. It gives no command though to celebrate the birth of Christ. The Bible never prescribes celebrating Christ’s birth.
People point out Jesus being present at the Feast of Dedication in John chapter 10 (a feast which did not have its origins in the Old Testament but it did not have its origins in Paganism either) to try to justify Christmas. Yet the evil associations of Christmas put it in a different category.
1 Corinthians 5:6 says: “Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?”
There is more than a little leaven in the celebration of Christmas.
One very good reason that no one who really wants to honor Jesus should celebrate Christmas at all is that Santa Claus is inherently a part of Christmas celebrations. Santa is a fictional character who is ascribed God-like powers and influence (and scrambling the letters in his name a bit happens to produce the name of a real entity whom the Bible warns is crafty and walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour- who also transforms himself as an angel of light).
It is also lying to children to tell them about Santa. Who celebrates Christmas without Santa Claus? He is really the main character in the celebration of Christmas. We all know it. Jesus is made out to be, if anything, a supporting cast member or at most a co-star. It is an incredible dishonor to Jesus to have a song like “Silent Night” played before or after a song like “Here Comes Santa.”
If for no other reason at all, one who really wants to honor Jesus should not celebrate Christmas due to how Santa Claus is inherently a prominent figure, if not the central figure, in Christmas celebrations.
Isaiah 42:8 says: “I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”
There are some who oppose Christmas because they admittedly and openly hate Christianity, and they actually see Christmas as a Christian holiday. However, I would guess that even most of these have their own form of Christmas that is not practically much different from how most celebrate Christmas anyways.
And that is not to mention how many people who blatantly hate Christianity openly celebrate Christmas anyways. Often people raised in more Biblical homes, homes that might truly be called Christian homes, when they grow up and depart from the right Christian values which they were raised with, get a lot more into Christmas in their departure from Christ than they were in their upbringing. These things are telling.
The proper boundaries of Christianity would be so much clearer if society just started calling this holiday Saturnalia.
I mean that. Christ would be better honored by being left out of it and not being “an agenda item” of Christmas.
To one who in truth worships and serves the real Jesus of the Bible from the heart, He is preeminent in all things. To treat Him otherwise is to show contempt towards Him and rob Him of the glory and honor that He is due. He never said to celebrate His birthday- yet He did say a lot.
Celebrating Christmas doesn’t prove one iota that one is concerned about what He did say, let alone submitted to having their life molded by everything the Bible says like a true follower of His is. On the other hand, many who disregard what the Bible does say treat Christmas as sacred and are zealous to defend it like they ought to be zealous to actually keep God’s Word.
I think it is obvious that the things said in this message would get the vast majority of pastors fired almost immediately if they were to ever speak before their church. Remember that if your pastor isn’t receptive when you show these things to him or if he backs down later even if he does acknowledge them as true at first.
The Christians should be the ones bringing Christmas down without government force or coercion from the ADL or from the Left in general. Those who still want to celebrate Christmas could yet celebrate Saturnalia with the admitted Pagans who don’t want Jesus Christ even mentioned with the holiday. That is quite fine.
There is a vast amount of confusion regarding true Christianity that this solution being implemented would eliminate. One who loves and worships the real Jesus Christ shouldn’t want Him associated with the holiday nor be grieved about letting those who are openly heathens have Santa.
Aaron’s email is: [email protected]