Margaret Sanger The Godless, Accursed, Murderous Founder of Planned Parenthood Her Own Words Condemn Her Wretched Soul! Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell,Read More
The Parable of the Dishonest Manager – Luke 16:1-13 Rightly Divided
Question: How should Luke 16:1-13 be understood” What kind of friendship is being taught here? Answer: Value mammon highly and use your mammon for worldly ends ifRead More
Psalm 119 Sung in Acapella
Psalm 119 | Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet Psa 119:1 “ALEPH. Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in theRead More
Provoked by Satan or God?
QUESTION: What is different between 1st Chronicles 21:1 and 2nd Samuel 24:1? Chronicles says David was provoked by Satan to number Israel but 2nd SamuelRead More
Luke 17:1-10 Rightly Divided
Luke 17:7-10 is a Scripture that both antinomians and those who put false, unnecessary guilt trips upon the faithful abuse very badly. It is anRead More
John 20:23 Explained “Whose soever sins ye remit…”
QUESTION: John 20:23 appears to say anybody can forgive sins like God. I myself haven’t found 1 verse in Bible that shows anyone other thenRead More
America the Shameful – Godless America Exposed
Before we start, keep in mind that about 99% of everyone that claims to believe in Jesus are lukewarm and will end up in theRead More
Exposing the Satanic Alcoholics Anonymous (“A.A.”) CULT!
It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 groups and over 2,000,000 members in 150 countries according to their own website. Alcoholics Anonymous’ official biographyRead More
What is Communion – The Lord’s Supper?
HOLY COMMUNION AUDIO & TEXT TEACHING “For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord JesusRead More
Nothing “New” in the New Testament
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,Read More