Category: Teachings


Yes, God Should Really be Feared

We don’t have the right to think of “God” as we would have Him to be.  It is wrong to fashion our concept of Him according to our own understanding.  Such inevitably degrades the glory of the true God.  It is wrong to harbor concepts of Him which are notRead More

Exhortation for the Weary Christian Compilation

It is normal for those who walk by faith and live righteously before God to encounter pains and/or perplexity and/or other hardships as a result of going the right way.  It is one thing to know this in theory, but when it hits in truth, there is a natural tendencyRead More

No One is Unconditionally Elected by God nor Unconditionally Secure from His Wrath

Exodus 19:1-9: “In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai.  For they were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness;Read More

Why Do Those Raised in Evangelical Christianity Often Live Like Heathens_

Why Do Those Raised in Evangelical Christianity Often Live Like Heathens? 

If someone is told before a test that they will be given a passing grade even if they fail, then why would it be a surprise if they don’t really study and end up failing the test?   If someone is told that they will be paid for work if theyRead More

Can You Follow Jesus Without Being Religious?

There are a lot of different definitions of religion that can be found if you do a search for the definition of religion.  Rather than analyze each of those, I’ll rather point to the religion one needs to adhere to in order to be a faithful Christian.  Doing this willRead More

Some Biblical Principles Concerning Money

Some Biblical Principles Concerning Money

The Bible condemns status symbols in every form.  People might try to give the impression of having an elevated status through the neighborhood they live in, where they go on vacation, what kind of car they drive, through dress, jewelry, even the type of pets that they have, and inRead More

Isms Which Corrupt the Realm of Evangelical Christianity

Isms Which Corrupt the Realm of Evangelical Christianity

Jeremiah 2:12-13 says: “Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord.  For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” WhatRead More

Judgment Day (Concise Version)

All roads lead to standing before God on Judgment Day.  Only one road leads to a favorable Judgment Day, but all roads surely do lead to Judgment Day.  Judgment Day is unavoidable, inevitable, and escaping it is impossible.  God will, according to His Word, reckon with every individual according toRead More

_Navigating Long-term Christian Singleness Concise Version

Navigating Long-term Christian Singleness Concise Version

Many fall away from the Lord, or fail to mature much in the Lord, due to problems related to navigating long-term singleness as a Christian.  This message then is about handling the trials of prolonged singleness in order to be saved from great damage in relation to it and navigateRead More

Warring Against the Jezebel Spirit (Concise Version)

Warring Against the Jezebel Spirit (Concise Version)

Not every woman is a Jezebel.  Don’t see this message as an attack on women in general.  But know also that the type of person most likely to claim that a study like this is an attack on women in general would be a Jezebel woman working to justify herself,Read More