Is the “Sinners Prayer” in the Bible?

The narrow way is lost! Sadly, this is what countless false churches and individuals are teaching others as they think they are leading people to Christ. Not so! Please read this in it’s entirety, then click the link at the bottom to learn the biblical Way to The Cross. “SimplyRead More

Justification by Faith

Grace? Justification by Faith – Works – Election? Romans 3:19-31 Explained

AUDIO TEACHINGS  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Law 3-4-2017.mp3  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Works 3-11-2017.mp3  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Works 2 + Imputed Righteousness + Biblical Perfection 3-18-2017.mp3 What is Biblical Grace? Justification by Faith – Romans 3:19-31 Explained The moral law of God isRead More

You Need a Redeemer (Great Muslim/Hindu, Etc Tract)

“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.” (PsalmRead More


The miracle of Jesus turning the water into wine is found in John 2:1-11. Some people try to justify the drinking of alcohol by saying that Jesus made alcoholic wine. But was the wine Jesus created alcoholic? When they ran out of wine at the wedding feast at Cana, JesusRead More

What Does “Tithing” Look Like in NT times?

I wanted to start off by saying that tithing in the Old Testament was very clear as you will see below. We will briefly study what OT tithing looked like then move on to what the Lord commands in the New Testament and put it all together. There are false teachers thatRead More

Bible Study – The Ageless Conflict

Below are short bible studies to edify you. Use them for personal study or teach them in a bible study or from the pulpit! I also recommend the author’s book, which I very rarely do! It’s absolutely the best book I have ever read about the age old conflict, true salvation, where one mustRead More


The bible says our lives here on earth are but a “vapor”.  Jas 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and  then vanisheth away.”  A fraction of a millisecond inRead More

Contemporary Christian Music

Contemporary Christian Music: Inspired by God or Deceived by Devil?

It’s very simple, ALL CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) that is played today is not of God, it’s antichrist. This includes the “99%” of the “churches” that are on the street corners of the world today. The women dress like whores, uncovered and disobedient made up like Jezebel, and the menRead More

Can a saved person fall?? YES! If you don’t produce WORKS you are doomed.

3 Audio Teachings:  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Law 3-4-2017.mp3  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Works 3-11-2017.mp3  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Works 2 + Imputed Righteousness + Biblical Perfection 3-18-2017.mp3 Can a saved person fall?? YES! If you don’t produce WORKS you are doomed! Grace isRead More

Caffeine is DEADLY!

Please click on the link below and see what you are putting in your body, God’s temple, when you drink caffeinated drinks (soda, coffee, non-herbal tea, etc). Because we love you and we need to honor GOD in EVERY area of our lives. 1Co 9:25 And every man that strivethRead More