Search Term: Pentecostal

Number of Results: 41


Pentecostalism is a Mockery of God

Though they are often very quick to say that their critics work for Satan, those who minister the counterfeit tongues of Pentecostalism work for Satan. The people who use the tongues in Acts to say tongues are the evidence of the Holy Spirit don’t even speak in tongues like theRead More

Pentecostal/Charismatic/Word of Faith Concepts Refuted (Compilation)

    A large percentage of churches, especially those influenced by 20th century Pentecostalism (i.e. the Azusa Street Movement), and the Purpose Driven and Seeker Sensitive church movements, practice a man-centered emotionalism where the church services themselves are hype-driven productions calculated to put those in the audience on an emotionalRead More

What if my Parents or Grandparents Died Catholic – Baptist – Pentecostal/Charismatic or ANY Other Denomination (including the Lukewarm Revelation 3:16 Non-Denominational Cults)?

The original question: Hello dear brother Aaron, someone very close to me just asked a very good question after reading your Roman Catholic tract. The question is, she made an example of her grandparents, of course long dead, but she said ‘they were born into Catholicism and that’s all theyRead More

Pentecostal / Charismatic Heresy – Emphasis on Divine Healing & Word of Faith

Click here for the audio teaching GMFC Bible Study – Pentecostal Errors Part 2 – Emphasis on Divine Healing & Word of Faith Heresy 9-16-2017.mp3 Study notes: Divine Healing?? Pentecostals / Charismatics believe healing goes hand and hand with forgiveness of sins. We shall prove this wrong from the bible. ThisRead More

Pentecostal / Charismatic Errors Part 1 – Biblical vs Pentecostal Tongues

Audio teaching here GMFC Bible Study – Pentecostal Errors Part 1 – Biblical Versus Pentacostal Tougues 9-9-2017.mp3 Teaching and commentary below in green is by brother Aaron Carey up until line page break. You may reach him at [email protected]. Part 2 of this study named “Pentecostal / Charismatic Heresy – Emphasis onRead More

5 Proofs the Tongues are Fake in 7 Minutes

We’re dealing with the babbling, nonsense tongues which are commonly labeled as the “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit” in Pentecostal/Charismatic/Word of Faith circles.  I have other studies dealing with this in more detail, especially a study on 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 and a compilation refuting Pentecostal/Charismatic/Word ofRead More

Miscellaneous Bible Related Insights

It is good to look up any Scripture reference we hear that we are not very familiar with already.   That is a great protection and it also does much to increase one’s practical knowledge of the Bible. Jude 3-4 lesson: The common salvation=The faith once delivered to the saints.  TheyRead More

A Tool of the Devil Much More Harmful than the Satanic Bible

The concept that God gives righteousness to man upon the merits of Christ, and therefore does not demand righteousness from man as a condition of exercising proper faith in Christ, permeates the realm of modern evangelical Christianity.  This concept is so prevalent that to so much as question it isRead More

The Godless Bangladesh Baptist Church Shangha (BBCS)

The Bangladesh Baptist Church Shangha is simply another eucumenical denomination that has nothing to do with the One True God. Jesus is not at all in this cult and never has been. It’s founded on William Carey, a wicked 5 point Calvinist that preached a false gospel that does notRead More

2nd Timothy Chapter 1 Study

2 Timothy 1:1: Paul was sent to proclaim the true grace of God in Jesus Christ along with its terms and conditions. 1:2-3: Paul served God in line with how He has made Himself known in the Jewish Scriptures.  The Jewish Scriptures promised and foreshadowed the Messiah’s first coming toRead More