Month: July 2024


Miscellaneous Bible Related Insights

It is good to look up any Scripture reference we hear that we are not very familiar with already.   That is a great protection and it also does much to increase one’s practical knowledge of the Bible. Jude 3-4 lesson: The common salvation=The faith once delivered to the saints.  TheyRead More

Jesus is Not Walking Around on Earth Now

When asked to do a study about whether Jesus is walking around on earth now or not, I thought it sounded silly.  Who actually believes that?  It turns out that some people do believe that He is walking around on earth.  Yet more importantly, the Bible does give instruction andRead More

Miscellaneous Notes Pertaining to Zionism

I’ve done several other studies rebuking Zionism and those who support it in more detail.  This message will be brief and contain miscellaneous related insights pertaining to Zionism which were not necessarily directly given in previous studies or which I choose to reiterate here. God’s warning to Israel in LeviticusRead More

Common Sense Political and Cultural Insights

It is the Marxists who are the most despicable now in relation to things like slavery in America in the past.  They exploit such to further their own agenda. The BLM people don’t care about the untold millions starving and overall badly suffering in Africa. The Left leaning Brookings InstituteRead More