Tag: Got Questions

Gambling is SIN
STUDY NOTES BELOW GAMBLING certainly runs contrary to many Biblical principles. GODLESS Americans spend in excess of $80 billion dollars annually on lotteries that are legal in 43 states. “That’s more than $230 for every man, woman, and child in those states — or $300 for each adult. This doesRead More
Jimmy Miller October 25, 2018 bible on gambling, can Christians gamble, Christian gambling, gambling and the bible, Got Questions, GotQuestions, is gambling, is gambling a sin, is gambling bad, is gambling wrong, is it a sin to gamble, is playing the lottery a sin, is playing the lottery a sin for Christians, is playing the lotto a sin, should Christians gamble, the truth about gambling, what does the bible say about gambling Teachings, Gambling Comments Off on Gambling is SIN