Zionism is the concept that God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s natural descendants on an unconditional basis. Zionists say thatRead More
The Tyranny of Sham Christian Unity
Romans 16:17-18: “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Read More
The Menace of Harlotry
The harlot’s influence can be very strong. The attitude which defines a harlot goes much deeper than sexual promiscuity. If you see wanton eyes, ifRead More
8 Points to Refute Zionism in 8 Minutes (8 Good Reasons to Side with the Palestinians & Stand Against Israel)
Zionism is basically the concept that the Jewish people are entitled to have an independent Jewish state that is on the land which had beenRead More
The Early Church Fathers Delusion
“Early Church Fathers” is actually a misleading term when applied to anyone besides the authentic Apostles of Christ in the first century AD. The so-calledRead More
Square One: The Fear of God
I’m reading Job chapter 28: “Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it. Iron is takenRead More
Looking at Some Very Obscure Bible Passages
Some who might claim that they’ve “heard it all” from the Bible would have a difficult time actually even quoting ten Bible verses if theyRead More
Practical Reasons Africans and Others in the 3rd World are Stuck in Poverty
Ignorant people say to us “why do you send all your money to ‘them over there’ when we have poor in this country”? “Why don’tRead More
Regarding Sins of Omission
Matthew 7:11-12: “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is inRead More
10 Principles for When Life Seems Hopeless
1) Take to heart that hopeless looking circumstances regarding tomorrow can shatter false hopes about today, tomorrow, and about life itself. Life is ultimately temporary-Read More