Never Trust a Woman Pastor
No one should ever sit under a woman pastor nor trust a woman pastor for instruction in righteousness. Why should that be a controversial statement?
1 Timothy 2:11-14 says: “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
How can anyone really believe in the Bible’s counsel at all if they do not receive this? They cannot.
It is indeed a violation of Scripture to sit in a church under a woman pastor or to be in a church where there are women in any way exercising spiritual authority over men. The things that the Apostles would not suffer (i.e. not permit) we should not partake of in any way. When anyone, man or woman, sits under female leadership in a church, they are suffering what the Apostles would not suffer, they are enabling the Jezebel spirit, and they are enabling what God calls disorder.
But what if the woman’s husband is the pastor and she is the co-pastor or an associate pastor? If she is teaching or exercising spiritual authority over men, she is still violating Scripture. Her husband is then enabling what God has forbidden as well. He should not be trusted either. Any so-called male pastor who is enabling any woman in his church to operate as a teacher or spiritual authority over men should not be trusted. Where Scripture is blatantly violated in this way, it is not truly regarded at all.
How can a woman get up and preach before a church “Thus saith the Lord” when the Lord’s Word rebukes her for even preaching “Thus saith the Lord” before the congregation? She can’t do so without hypocrisy and making a mockery of Scripture’s counsel.
Some might say “The Bible’s forbidding of women being pastors was just a matter of culture.” Not true. We saw in 1 Timothy chapter 2 that the Apostle Paul appealed to principles of creation which were operating from the very beginning to demonstrate why he would not suffer a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man.
Besides that, it is common knowledge that the Paganism which prevailed in the Roman world was often very friendly towards female religious authority in Pagan Temples. The Apostle’s instruction in this matter, as well as in several other matters, actually went against the norm of the culture at that time.
The increased rate of female pastors in our time is the result of feminism taking greater hold in our culture. This is obvious and evident. The same can be said of increased immodesty in dress and the abandonment of women covering their heads in public (and even in church).
You can be virtually certain that a female pastor has abandoned other Biblical principles for women, as well as other general Biblical principles too. She is likely not dressing anywhere close to the Bible’s prescription for modest female dress.
How can a female pastor stand against the sins of Sodom (even if she claims to be against them)?. She cannot adequately stand against them. She is a walking testimony of rationalizing away God’s appointed roles and boundaries for men and women by her taking on a role of spiritual authority over men. She can’t cite precedent in Scripture without proving herself a fraud. God made Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. Absolutely. Yet God set Adam over Eve too. She can’t go to the precedents set by God in the Bible without condemning herself. How can she echo God’s order for the home, and rebuke the violation thereof in the home, without being exposed as a fraud herself? She cannot.
The female pastor is also very likely to not be subject to her husband as the head of the home (if she is married). After all, she is usurping God’s prescribed order for the church by her very role as a female pastor there. Her very example of usurpation in the church teaches women to usurp their husbands’ authority in the home. Why would it even be a surprise if she is ruling her home (whether blatantly or in a more subtle way), not subject to her husband and in violation of God’s prescribed order for the home?
Ephesians 5:22-24: “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”
The female pastor cannot tell her congregation to hear the Word of God and do it without causing anyone who thinks critically, and has any significant knowledge of the Scriptures, to wake up to the elephant in the room. If she were to hear the Word of God and do it, she would step down as a pastor and/or a teacher in the church.
1 Corinthians 14:33-37: “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law (my note: we’ve seen how Paul cited Genesis two to prove the same basic point in 1 Timothy chapter two; it is also notable how God only had males appointed to the Levitical Priesthood). And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. What? Came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.”
Interestingly, the following verse (1 Corinthians 14:38) says: “But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.”
Anyone who would try to use this to negate the previous verses is only proving their guilt. It is not said to negate or excuse disobedience to what was previously said in the chapter. It is rather saying something along the lines of how those insist on ignoring the counsel given shouldn’t be extensively argued with. Such should rather separate from churches which would be faithful to Biblical counsel so their wickedness will be exposed, and there is a clear distinction made before all between light and darkness.
When I say not to trust a woman pastor, I mean not to be a member of their church nor listen to their teaching. You’re not only bringing peril to your own soul by doing this, but you are also drawing others into ungodliness and bringing the blood of others onto your own hands by your example and influence in doing this.
The increase and acceptance of women pastors in the realm of professing Christianity reflects the humanism and pragmatism which have increased therein (and actually become the norm). The norm now is that the whole counsel of God’s Word is somehow held back to appeal to the wants, likes, and conveniences of people; to the fallen demands of rebellious mankind. This is better for building a church business, yet church is not intended to be a business.
There is actually no worse business to be involved in than church business. Jesus cleansing the Temple proves that mixing church and business is an exceedingly evil thing.
Women pastors are a prime example of promoting the Jezebel spirit, as well as expressing the Jezebel spirit. You can know this spirit for sure when the Bible’s prohibitions against women spiritually leading and teaching men in the church are blatantly disobeyed. You can also discern this when the Bible truth that the wife ought to be subject to her husband is mocked while men who try to instill reasonable rules and order in their homes are labeled as harsh and unloving. It is also expressed when women lecture men in and out of church, flaunt their bodies in immodest clothing, wear make-up, and are feared by male church leaders if they should think about preaching on how wrong any of this is in God’s eyes from the straightforward instructions of Scripture. Men who do their duty and appropriately exercise their God-given strength are labeled as harsh, unloving, un-christlike, and are lumped in the same category with men who are truly abusive.
No preacher can be faithful to God’s Word without addressing the sins of women. The Bible has a lot to say about sins which are commonly practiced by women. Yet Scriptures which deal with such are often not touched, or at least not handled thoroughly and honestly, by most modern churches. This is due to the influence and intimidation of Jezebels. Even most male pastors now don’t normally teach, much less do they enforce Biblical commands on modest dress and forbidding displays of vanity in fashion. They don’t want an outcry from the Jezebels. So instead of dealing with their unpleasant anger, and the likely next step of having to cast the ones that won’t change out of the church, they back down and stay silent while the Jezebels get their way.
Feminism can’t truly be separated from the Jezebel spirit. Few teachers and pastors now aren’t corrupted by feminism. Yet it is better to lose your wife, your church and/or your ministry, etc. than to yield to feminism’s influence at all. There are many, many ways to veer from the strait and narrow way to eternal life in Jesus Christ. In our day, yielding to the influence of feminism somehow is one of the most common of these false ways. Being against feminism and its influence is not to be anti-woman. Rather, embracing feminism’s influence is anti-Christ.
Some will cite Deborah as a Judge in Israel in the Book of Judges to try to justify women pastors and to try to justify women teaching the Bible to men. Yet as we have seen, the Bible forbids these things. Did the Apostles who wrote the New Testament not know about Deborah? They cited the principles of God’s Law, from what we know as the Old Testament, to give precedence for the things they were saying in forbidding women pastors and women Bible teachers over men.
It is notable that Deborah was a Judge over Israel when Israel was in bondage to Jabin, King of Canaan and the Canaanites. Jabin may very well have outlawed male Judges among the Israelites and forced them to put forth women to deal with their local matters. Isaiah chapter 3 talks about women rulers over Israel in the context of a wicked nation under judgment. Jabin, King of Canaan himself may very well have insisted that Israel appoint women judges as a way of putting Israel to reproach and shame.
Have you ever heard of a woman pastor who confessed that her leadership over her church as a woman was a reproach and shame? Was she hoping and ready to step aside to a capable man as soon as possible like it is reasonable to believe that Deborah was?
If you read Judges chapter 4, it is evident that Deborah was obviously ready and willing to take a backseat to Barak, the man whom she exhorted to gather men and attack Jabin’s army to deliver Israel. It was also not good for Barak that he insisted on Deborah going with him to the battle. The chastening given to Barak for this was that Sisera, the Captain of Jabin’s army, was delivered into the hand of a woman (Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite) who killed Sisera instead of Barak himself. There is also no evidence from the Bible that Deborah continued as a Judge of Israel after Israel’s deliverance from Jabin and the Canaanites was complete.
If you say “there is speculation in what you just said” then that can be said to a much greater degree about those who justify women leading and/or teaching men in the church- to the extent that they are transgressors who are knowingly disobeying God’s commandments.
Who is siding with the verdicts of Christ’s Apostles? Not the woman pastors and teachers in the church nor those who sit under them nor those who justify them. They are rather surely going contrary to the clear verdicts of Scripture. They think they know better. That is exactly what Satan convinced Eve to think in principle.
All ought to flee churches with women teaching and/or in leadership over men (women in leadership over only other women and/or children could be okay). Consider also how wrong such false pastors and teachers could be in other areas when they are wrong in something so obvious. That logically applies to those who sit under them and justify them too. Take heed.
Aaron’s email is: gospeltruth768@yahoo.com