Category: Works


Lawful Grace is the Only Grace (You Can’t Afford to Waver Concerning This)

Matthew 1:20-21: “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.  And sheRead More

_Navigating Long-term Christian Singleness Concise Version

Navigating Long-term Christian Singleness Concise Version

Many fall away from the Lord, or fail to mature much in the Lord, due to problems related to navigating long-term singleness as a Christian.  This message then is about handling the trials of prolonged singleness in order to be saved from great damage in relation to it and navigateRead More

One Deceitful Word Commonly Added to Scripture Exposed (Faith Alone Rebuke)

One Deceitful Word Commonly Added to Scripture Exposed (Faith Alone Rebuke)

In this message we are analyzing the vast difference between Biblical justification by faith versus the demonic doctrine of justification by faith alone. The Apostles preached baptism in preaching the Gospel of Christ.  Neither the act of baptism itself nor the waters of baptism save.  Yet if our heart isRead More

You Must Walk in the Light of God’s Word

John 1:1-5 says of Jesus Christ: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God.  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  In himRead More

Reference Tools for Preaching the Whole Counsel of God pART 2

Reference Tools for Preaching the Whole Counsel of God – Part 2

We are going through some key verses on various key Bible topics. And though you can still benefit from this without having heard Part 1, I do recommend that you go back and listen to that, if you haven’t yet, before you listen to Part 2 here. There is someRead More

Salvation Conditional Moral Works the just shall live by faith romans banner Paul

Jesus Agrees with the Apostle Paul that Righteous Works is a Condition of Salvation

God’s Love is CONDITIONAL Grace? Justification by Faith – Works – Election? Romans 3:19-31 Explained Can a saved person fall?? YES! If you don’t produce WORKS you are doomed. Dead Works in the Dead Churches! THE WAY TO THE CROSS

Do I have to “Work” for my Salvation?

Justification by Faith

Grace? Justification by Faith – Works – Election? Romans 3:19-31 Explained

AUDIO TEACHINGS  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Law 3-4-2017.mp3  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Works 3-11-2017.mp3  GMFC Bible Study – Grace & Works 2 + Imputed Righteousness + Biblical Perfection 3-18-2017.mp3 What is Biblical Grace? Justification by Faith – Romans 3:19-31 Explained The moral law of God isRead More