Category: Tithing

Tithing is Required Today; That Leads to Another Big Issue
Resistance to the obligation of giving a tithe (a tenth of one’s income) away is a key evidence of opposition to God’s commandments- and hence, a key evidence of opposition to God’s authority and throne. Yet many are confused over this matter because confusion over this matter abounds exceedingly forRead More

Some Biblical Principles Concerning Money
The Bible condemns status symbols in every form. People might try to give the impression of having an elevated status through the neighborhood they live in, where they go on vacation, what kind of car they drive, through dress, jewelry, even the type of pets that they have, and inRead More

Two Rival Pursuits
Whether someone dies with a billion dollars worth of assets or dies with just the clothes they are wearing, each was fully guaranteed to die eventually. And ultimately, since we also all surely brought nothing into this world, neither the billionaire nor the exceedingly poor man lost any more thanRead More

Pulpit Pimps Are Hirelings
THE “THIEF” IN THE VERSE BELOW IS THE GREEDY PULPIT PIMP! Many think this is talking about the devil himself, nope, just his accursed ministers. We have a complete teaching on “Almsgiving here” and another great one here we encourage you to read. John 10:10 The thief(THE FALSE PAID PASTOR)Read More

Tithing – Almsgiving
CLICK HERE FOR THE AUDIO STUDY STUDY NOTES: 1) YOU CAN’T BRIBE GOD! 2) True almsgiving is a remedy for coveteousness. 3) False almsgiving can be a way to justify covetousness! OLD TESTAMENT TITHE (3.3 percent or 10 percent once in 3 years was given away)! Deu 14:22 Thou shaltRead More

Does the Bible Address Money?
Throughout the entire Bible there are approximately 2,350 verses concerning money. This is nearly twice as many as faith and prayer combined. Fifteen percent of everything Jesus said pertained to money and possessions. He spoke about money and possessions more than heaven and hell combined! The only subject Jesus spokeRead More

What Does “Tithing” Look Like in NT times?
I wanted to start off by saying that tithing in the Old Testament was very clear as you will see below. We will briefly study what OT tithing looked like then move on to what the Lord commands in the New Testament and put it all together. There are false teachers thatRead More