Category: Marcionism

Divine Killing in the Bible
***2 small speaking errors in the above audio: – Acts 26:19-21 is quoted; not Exodus 26:19-21– The judgment related in the book of Numbers is in Numbers chapter 25, not chapter 24. The Bible says in Psalm 34:15-16: “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his earsRead More

Study on John 8:1-11 – The Woman Caught in Adultery
We’re going to look here at a very well known passage of Scripture, that in spite of how commonly it is known, is also in my opinion one of the most misunderstood and most twisted passages of Scripture. And that would be John ch 8 verses 1-11, where a womanRead More

Christian Handling of Prolonged Singleness & the Process of Transition from Singleness to Marriage
I need to say in starting out here that I am going to say some things which are more specific than things which are general truths for everyone- and I think you’ll know what I am talking about when we get to them, but I’ll clarify if I need to.Read More

“Did Jesus Correct Moses? Expanded”
A MUST READ BOOK! “Did Jesus Correct Moses? Expanded” Did Jesus correct Moses or change the OT with His teaching in the Sermon On The Mount or did He clarify and defend His own inspired Words through Moses? Here is undeniable proof from the Scriptures that Jesus did not comeRead More