Category: Hebrew Israelites

The Most Famous Antisemitic Book Ever Written (it’s not Mein Kampf and it’s not the New Testament… you may be shocked)
Not even a Jew who witnesses against the evils of the Jewish people will be spared from charges of antisemitism. This has been true from ancient times- even going back well before the New Testament was written to the times in which the Hebrew Bible (aka:: the Old Testament) wasRead More

Are All Those Who Don’t Support Modern Israel Cursed(Genesis 12:1-3 Analysis)
The Zionists love to threaten people by quoting the blessing which God gave to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3. They speak as if this blessing applies to Israel now so that the curse upon those who curse Abraham applies to those who are not Israel-supporting Zionists. But is that really so? Read More

Yoking With the Synagogue of Satan Gets You to The Lake of Fire – FOREVER!!! Bangla / Bengali Translation
Are You a Child of Abraham & Sarah? Are You a True Jew? FIRST WE ARE GOING TO DEFINE ZIONISM: Zionism is a Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews. ThoughRead More

Modern Israel’s Wars Are Not the Faithful Christian’s Wars
What do Korah, Dathan, Abiram, Achan the son of Carmi, Abimelech the son of Gideon, the sons of Eli the priest, Absalom the son of David, Jeroboam the son of Nebat, Ahab the husband of Jezebel, the elders of Israel who opposed Jeremiah the prophet, and the leaders of IsraelRead More

The Jewish Talmud
1st, I love the Jewish people just as I love all people (the way I should, Biblically). As a born again Christian, it is my Biblical duty to contend for the faith and Judaism clearly denies Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Talmud openly desecrates His holy name. TheRead More

Jews for Judaism’s Claims Regarding Jesus Refuted
Jews for Judaism is an international organization that focuses on preventing Jews from converting to other faiths and reclaiming those who have already converted. They target Christianity heavily and they have an article giving a list of six reasons why Jesus is allegedly not the Jewish Messiah. So, we willRead More

Lessons from the Destruction of Israel’s Temples.
Since today is July 26, 2023, that means that tonight and during the day tomorrow is the ninth of Av on the Hebrew calendar (the dates on the Hebrew calendar begin in the evening, at sundown, and continue through the next day). The ninth of Av is commonly recognized by religiousRead More

Are Jews More Important to God Than Gentiles?
It is an implicit commentary on the narrowness of the way of salvation that God chose the descendants of one man (Abraham) to accomplish His work of redemption through. The goal was to eventually raise up a people set apart as His special vineyard to demonstrate His proper worship amongRead More

Why Christians Must Oppose Zionism
Zionism is a political ideology which goes back to the late 19th century. It is an ideology based upon the belief that the Jewish people are entitled to their own homeland. Though other regions had been proposed in the 19th century as the desired place to become a nation forRead More

Concise Study on the True Israel
We read in Jeremiah 31:31-34: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by theRead More
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