Search Term: israel jew

Number of Results: 216

Does the Tanakh (Old Testament) Teach that Jews Are Superior to Others

Tanakh= Old Testament Don’t confuse the Tanakh with the Talmud nor Kabbalah.  These are both extra-biblical Jewish traditions. Unlike many of his natural descendants throughout the ages and up until today, the Jewish forefather Abraham saw himself as a servant to those outside of his own family and considered themRead More

Strong Hints the Jews Have Vast, Unlawful Power

38 states in America now have Anti-BDS laws designed to discourage boycotts of Israel.  Why is it our Government’s business whom the private companies it contracts with decide to boycott?  Why do our state governments overwhelmingly see it as their duty to protect the business interests of the State ofRead More

Arab-Israeli Conflict

4 Myths About the Arab-Israeli Conflict Prevalent Among Conservatives

We have many other studies about Zionism, the true Israel, and the sin of supporting modern Israel.  There is much that might be said along these lines that I will not repeat here due to how these things have been covered so much in previous studies.   In this study weRead More

They Were Persecuted for Not Unconditionally Supporting Israel (Shame on Those Who Do)

Reading from 1 Kings 17:1-3: “And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab (my note- the king of the northern kingdom of Israel at the time), As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rainRead More

Christians Have Been Duped About Modern Israel – Big Time

Zionism is the concept that God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s natural descendants on an unconditional basis.  Zionists say that the Jews have an absolute right to dwell in the land.  They essentially claim that the Jews have a birthright to the land which isRead More


8 Points to Refute Zionism in 8 Minutes (8 Good Reasons to Side with the Palestinians & Stand Against Israel)

Zionism is basically the concept that the Jewish people are entitled to have an independent Jewish state that is on the land which had been known as the land of Israel and came to be known as Palestine.  Here are eight quick points to refute Zionism Biblically and to demonstrateRead More

Are All Those Who Don’t Support Modern Israel Cursed(Genesis 12:1-3 Analysis)

The Zionists love to threaten people by quoting the blessing which God gave to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3.  They speak as if this blessing applies to Israel now so that the curse upon those who curse Abraham applies to those who are not Israel-supporting Zionists.  But is that really so? Read More

Modern Israel’s Wars Are Not the Faithful Christian’s Wars

What do Korah, Dathan, Abiram, Achan the son of Carmi, Abimelech the son of Gideon, the sons of Eli the priest, Absalom the son of David, Jeroboam the son of Nebat, Ahab the husband of Jezebel, the elders of Israel who opposed Jeremiah the prophet, and the leaders of IsraelRead More

The Jewish Talmud

The Jewish Talmud

1st, I love the Jewish people just as I love all people (the way I should, Biblically).  As a born again Christian, it is my Biblical duty to contend for the faith and Judaism clearly denies Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Talmud openly desecrates His holy name. TheRead More

The Christian’s Relation to the Jewish Feasts

Does faithful Christianity involve the keeping of the Jewish feasts?  Are they mandatory for the Christian?  Are they optional for the Christian?  Or is keeping the Jewish feasts now rather disobedience to God which is actually a strange fire before Him? God summed up the feasts which He mandated forRead More