3 Things You’re Especially Unlikely to Hear on Christian Radio or TV

Here are three things, three things which truly uncompromising preachers and Bible teachers will talk about and put much emphasis on which you’re also very, very unlikely to hear on Christian radio or television.

One) The teaching that all who live in sin, including lukewarm Christians, will go to the fire of hell- without exceptions.

Christian radio and television are filled with those teaching Dispensationalism, Reformed Theology/Calvinism, and/or teaching a humanistic prosperity message that is inherently covetous.  

You might hear some of these say things occasionally that make it sound like they believe that unrepentant sin will lead a person to hell and that calling Jesus Lord is vain if one does not do what He says.  Yet they will contradict themselves often and will blatantly say otherwise when directly addressing the issue of eternal security- since at the very heart of their theology is the belief in unconditional eternal security.  

They may say vague things like “If you’re still living like the world, I question whether you’re saved” and “If you say you know Jesus but there is no change in you, you’re deceiving yourself.”  Nevertheless, when their entire message is analyzed, they are still basically telling people that they can transgress against God and “not surely die”, echoing the lie which the serpent told man from the beginning.  Therefore, being truthful demands that these be labelled as ministers of Satan.

They either likely deny that repentance from sin is necessary to believe in Jesus Christ and be born again or they have a very shallow understanding of repentance from sin.  And even if somehow neither of these is the case, they still believe that once one is in Christ they have His own personal righteousness imputed to them unconditionally forever- and therefore can never fall away to damnation no matter how they live (this is the unconditional eternal security/Once Saved Always Saved lie- and this is inherent in both Dispensational theology and Reformed/Calvinistic theology).   

In the case of the Prosperity preachers, their theology teaches people to live in sin under a cloak of false spirituality.  They also often have the theological error of unconditional eternal security as the Dispensationalists and Calvinists also have.

Two)  Faithfully and honestly exposing and rebuking ecumenicism.

The radio and television preachers on the other hand will not be faithful in thoroughly exposing and rebuking counterfeit Christianity.  They might talk about the deception in groups which are typically labelled as heretical counterfeits by the popular realm of the mainstream (such as Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons- and maybe even groups on the fringe like Seventh Day Adventists and other Judaizers teaching Christians to live like Jews externally).  They may even rebuke the Protestant churches which are blatantly corrupted by Liberalism.

However, even if some of the radio and television preachers go to that length, they often will still not be thorough and consistent in rebuking the darkness.  They will likely spare rebuking some or all of the following: Prosperity teachers and/or seeker-sensitive mega-churches (with their manifold wicked innovations), the nonsense babbling Pentecostals, and/or the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.  Going after these, as well as separating from conferences and functions where such groups have a presence, would not be consistent with having a platform on a Christian radio or television network.

This is not even taking into account that those on Christian radio or television are often from a Dispensationalist or Calvinist camp, or some camp closely connected with one or both of these camps, which a person also has to renounce and separate from in order to be faithful.

It is simply extremely unlikely to come across impartial rebuke of corrupted Christianity on popular Christian radio or television.  Even going halfway in this might cause one to never be invited back on the air- even though they still need to repent of being partial and holding back the whole truth themselves.

Three)  Rebuking and standing against the modern nation of Israel.

It is sad how in popular mainstream Christianity the modern Jews who reject Jesus Christ have more influence than the Bible.  As much as many theologies and groups which are out of line with Biblical truth are considered immune or nearly immune from criticism on major Christian radio and television networks, it is commonly even much more dangerous and considered unacceptable to simply state things which are just plain common sense about the Jewish people and the modern nation of Israel (that is, common sense when the Bible is actually consulted and regarded as authoritative). 

As with the bulk of the mainstream churches, mainstream Christian radio and television stations are full of preachers waving a Bible around and saying that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; and nobody comes to the Father but through Him- and then turning around and saying in the same sermon or the next sermon how Jews are God’s chosen people who have a special covenant with God which even the Jewish nation’s rejection of Jesus can’t break.  

Illogical and contradictory?  No doubt about it.  

This is a demonstration also of how the Scofield Reference Bible has had such enormous, prevalent influence- in spite of the fact that probably most who are swayed by its ideas have barely or never even heard of it.  

By supporting the modern nation of Israel, Christians are simply justifying the wicked in theft and denying the precedent God set in AD 70 that the Jewish nation is no longer His special nation due to its rejection of Jesus as their Messiah.  

The nation of Israel supporting Christians are also testifying to the world that they believe God to be a partial respecter of persons who sides with a certain group of people no matter what they do.  That is a terrible and pathetic witness of Christ to the world.

Satan wants true Christians to think that all who fall away from Christ were never really in Christ at all to begin with.  He doesn’t want them to think they could be the next spiritual casualty (like 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 uses examples of natural Israelites to warn Christians of).  He also wants them to think that unbelieving Jews are in God’s favor as they reject Jesus Christ so the Christians will not learn to heed the lessons from God’s wrath upon them in the Bible.  

However, saying these things blatantly and stating the obvious conclusion which they lead to (that conclusion being that Christians have no good basis to say that Christ rejecting Jews are God’s chosen people nor to say that natural Jews had any right to storm in and take land which they did not purchase from the previous owners), this is not acceptable in modern Christianity.  

When Romans 11 warns Christians not to boast against the branches (meaning, natural Jews) it doesn’t mean to support them in their theft of land nor back off from holding them accountable for their thefts, murders, and other oppressions.  

Don’t expect to hear the truth in any of these three areas, and especially don’t expect to hear anyone speaking the truth in all of these areas, on any popular Christian radio or television station.  

The tide of wickedness and compromise has caused such to be, at most, an extremely unlikely occurrence.

There are other things which could have been included here such as preaching on Biblical modesty, rebuke of feminism’s impact on churches, rebuke of the popular fake Jesus image, etc.  These things and many other things sorely need to be brought up as well; and I don’t know that you’re significantly more likely to hear about them on a popular Christian radio or television network than the three things focused on here.

Let this lesson sink in: The lack of of preaching the truth on the three things zeroed in on here is enough to seduce those who have truly entered into life in Christ to fall away from Him, to cause those who might have been entering into life to come short of true repentance and rather become two-fold more the children of hell, to corrupt the potential faithful witness of a church, and to overall misrepresent the Christian faith as it is set forth in the Bible.

I could go into much more detail talking about the things brought up here.  I didn’t though because they are dealt with so much in our other studies.  Anyone who has wondered why these things are brought up so much in our other studies ought to have a better idea now.

Aaron’s email is: gospeltruth768@yahoo.com