Month: September 2024


Never Trust a Woman Pastor

No one should ever sit under a woman pastor nor trust a woman pastor for instruction in righteousness.  Why should that be a controversial statement?   1 Timothy 2:11-14 says: “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authorityRead More

Misc. Points Demonstrating the Wicked Lunacy of Calvinism Pt. 3

Jesus marveling at the Centurion’s faith in Matthew 8:10 rebukes Calvinism.  To approach this passage from a Calvinist perspective logically leads to falsely accusing Jesus of acting here.   With the account of Jesus healing the Centurion’s servant in Matthew chapter 8 considered, it is seen that when saving belief inRead More

Misc. Points Demonstrating the Wicked Lunacy of Calvinism Pt. 2

Matthew 5:29-30 says: “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.  And if thy right hand offend thee, cutRead More

The Romans Road to the Lake of Fire

The “Romans Road” is a common method of sharing the gospel in evangelical circles.  Though the Romans Road, as it is typically presented, is generally regarded as sound and effective, it is actually a chief example of the shallow, misleading evangelism which counterfeits and opposes a true witness of theRead More

Misc. Points Demonstrating the Wicked Lunacy of Calvinism Pt.1

I’ve done other studies to thoroughly refute Calvinism from different angles.  I especially refer to “The 5 Points of Calvinism Refuted in 7 Minutes”, “Calvinist Strongholds Are Built on Sinking Sand (Romans 9 Study)”, and the “Reformed/Calvinistic Theology Refuted Compilation.”   Here we will look at miscellaneous points intended to complementRead More

Humanism and Pragmatism in the Churches Betray the Lord