Month: March 2023

Being a Christian Does Not Mean Being a Pacifist
Pacifism is a belief that all war and violence is wrong. This message is not teaching that all war and violence is right nor promoting that you should become a violent, macho person. Pacifists however can be bullies without using one fist while also not righteously and appropriately opposing evilRead More

Calvinist Strongholds Are Built on Sinking Sand (Romans 9 Study)
Romans chapter nine is a Biblical text which believers in Calvinism/Reformed theology utterly need to depend upon in order to attempt to validate their doctrine and theology. Yet when examined in the context of the book it is written in, and analyzed in line with the rest of the Bible,Read More

Rebuke to Calvinism, False Grace, and Once Saved Always Saved Compilation
The cheap grace deceivers overlook that something being freely offered does not mean that it is offered unconditionally. There are terms and conditions and labor involved in believing Christ’s Gospel unto salvation (obviously faith must work according to God’s commandments and ways- see James chapter 2, etc). We see inRead More

Important Lessons from a 1970s Documentary (Marjoe)
Important Lessons from a 1970s Documentary (Marjoe) Marjoe is a documentary released in 1972 about a man named Marjoe Gortner who was a preacher in Pentecostal circles (i.e. circles related to the Azusa Street so-called Revival of 1906). Marjoe had been a preacher since he was a child. His parentsRead More
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