Month: May 2020

Holier Than Thou (Holier Than You)?
A couple other phrases people use to describe true Christians are:“You Are Self Righteous” or “You Are Prideful”. Definition of holier-than-thou in English: holier-than-thou Pronunciation /ˌhōlēərT͟HənˈT͟Hou/ /ˌhoʊliərðənˈðaʊ/ ADJECTIVE Characterized by an attitude of moral superiority. ‘they had quite a critical, holier-than-thou approach’ Pronunciation holier-than-thou /ˌhōlēərT͟HənˈT͟Hou/ /ˌhoʊliərðənˈðaʊ/ WEBSTER’S holier-than-thou ho·li·er-than-thou | \ ˌhō-lē-ər-t͟hən-ˈt͟hau̇ \ Definition of holier-than-thou : marked by an airRead More

Nahum Bible Study
Scripture & Commentary Below the Videos NAHUM – CHAPTER 1 “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required,” Jesus declared (Luke 12:48). His words found graphic illustration in the fortunes of ancient Nineveh, the infamous capital of Assyria. Nineveh was an ancient Assyrian city ofRead More

Sugar is Deadly
Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. It causes and feeds cancer. It causes autism in many younger children. Many studies have brought to light the causes and possible treatments for autism, but mainstream physicians or scientists ignore ignore most of this data. In 1800, the average person consumedRead More

God is a jealous God and he will NOT share His glory with anyone. Further, he does not tolerate ecumenicism and will condemn all those who yoke with hereticks and heretical organizations to the eternal Lake of Fire. YWAM (Youth With a Mission) is a DEMONIC ABOMINATION TO GOD! REPENTRead More

Chiropractic Founded by a Ghost?
True Christians always are on guard to withstand the wiles of the devil and as long as they abide in (obey) Jesus and endure ’til the end of their natural life, they will be saved. Matthew 10:21-22 “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the fatherRead More

Is God the Creator (Author/Originator) of Sin? Why Did He Allow It?
Sin came from a finite created being that imposed his own, God given, free will, opposing the plan of God. God created Lucifer as the highest angel in God’s angelic kingdom. Lucifer was the anointed cherub (Ezekiel 28:14; Isaiah 14:12,13). Lucifer’s Reign as the anointed cherub that covereth was God’sRead More