Month: March 2017

The KJV is Perfect?KJVThe KJV is Perfect?
The debate rages on about the KJV bible. The KJV only camp believe it’s the perfect word of God with absolutely no errors. Let’s just focus on Acts:12:4 in this study: Acts 12:4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternionsRead More

Dealing With Common Questions and Objections to the Gospel Message
Here we’ll look at some common questions that are related to the biblical gospel message, as well as objections that are commonly raised against an obedient response to Christ. “Should We Really Fear God?” Yes! “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of theRead More

Does God Clean Us Up? Does Jesus Cover Someone Who is in Sin?
Many today think that God has to somehow take away their addictive sins, when they come to repentance. They believe that it’s the love of God who feels sorry for their carnal choices and will take away their desires they once had to live like the devil. And were talkingRead More

Smoking Cigarettes (E-Cigs Too) Will Send You To HELL
Let Jesus tell you why… (This includes e-cigs as they are loaded with the deadly poison nicotine). NOW YE NOT THAT YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD, AND THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLETH IN YOU? IF ANY MAN DEFILE (or destroys) THE TEMPLE OF GOD, HIM SHALL GOD DESTROY;Read More