Month: October 2016

When to use Matthew 18:15-17 Biblically
Many misapply scripture and Matthew 18:15-17 is no exception. This is speaking to a private matter for the local church body/fellowship to deal with, period. If the matter is already public, it does not apply. Matthew 18:15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him hisRead More

Kari Jobe – Another NAR Heretic
Wake up! The apostasy and lack of discernment is at an all time high! How can anyone who proclaims the name of Jesus Christ not recognize the dismal state of the professing church? Words cannot even begin to describe the how far away the church is from Christ in these days. The attractions, theRead More

Refuting Wicked Anglicanism
The Anglican/Episcopalian Religion is straight out of the pits of hell. They teach that performing the seven sacraments are absolutely essential to go to heaven, nowhere is this found in the bible so they immediately fall under condemnation. Rev 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the wordsRead More